The search for a killer app is an on-going process. A killer app is one that is accepted by most users as the best in the market at that point of time.
Facebook, Twitter, Google and Skype are some of the killer apps that took off from the beginning since they were launched. They all have hundreds of millions of registered users logged on daily. With this kind of captive audience, their websites become marketers’ dream domains. That is why their main income comes from the advertising space on their websites.
The following is a list of attributes that a killer app possesses:
1. Popularity
They are widely accepted by everyone. They are easy to use and configure. They are the chosen apps by virtue of their design and uniqueness. They are usually free-of-charge to encourage sign-ups. Lastly, they often have sharing features that encourage communication and content generation.
2. Free-of-charge
Sign-up or monthly. This is the only way to generate a user database for any new app. If there is any fee imposed, the failure rate of any new app is more than 99%. Most users can get free stuff on the internet. So, charging a fee would be tantamount to suicide by accident.
These apps do not sell any product on their website. Their objective is to accumulate as many registered users as they can. When they have a huge user base, they can then start selling advertising space on their website.
3. Simple Interface
These apps are usually simple and seldom use ‘real-time’ features except for video conferencing. This makes the apps easy to use and browse through. New features may be added as the app grows with popularity and time. Nevertheless, the app is kept with a simple-to-use interface that users are familiar with.
Knowing the attributes of a killer app, it is then crucial to work towards developing them for your app. While popularity does not build overnight, you can first ensure that your app is free-of-charge and simple to use. Promote the app through content and word-of-mouth, and its popularity will slowly increase.