The creation of any app is from an idea. This idea is usually customer-driven. For any app to work properly, there are a few things to take into account. You have to create a list of features that you think users will like.
Application Definition Statement
This list is called the Application Definition Statement. This statement is the declaration of an app’s main purpose and its target audience. This statement includes the following:
1. List All Features Users Might Like
Come up with a list of potential features that you think users might like. For example, if it is for a game, the features would probably include single player, multiple player, online game, offline game, quests, buy credit, sell credit, settings, create new game, save game, join game, exit game and rewards.
2. Identify the Users
What is their age group, what do they look for in the features. Based on the above features, your users will be aged from 10 years old to 25 years old. The gameplay should be action-based, fast-paced, exciting and progressive. In-game purchases should not be too expensive as your users have limited spending power. Promotions should be given to encourage impulsive and quick purchases.
3. Filter the Statement Through Target Definition
This will enable you to reduce your original list to a few features that seem suitable based on your target definition. With this new revised list, you can now start to design and structure your app accordingly. The use of third party tools is common for graphic enhancement. Some of these tools are free and some come with a fee.
4. Process Design Cycle
Repeat steps 1 to 3 after completing step 3 and determine if there is a need for further features, controls and terminology based on the target definition. After several cycles, you can be sure that your app is now properly designed for the intended target audience who can appreciate it.